I know it’s a cliche to say, but I’m still amazed at how fast this year is going by. We’re on the downward slope to the end of the year now, and I for one am excited to slow things down a little ready for autumn/winter.

Make the most of the last of the summer sun. Septembers are for gins drunk after work in beer gardens, Sunday afternoon rambles in the forest, and stolen lunch breaks in the sunshine.
Ready your autumn essentials. It’s the perfect time to prepare for autumn winter, and make your home as cosy as possible. Are you stocked on autumn candles? Is your cosy bed linen past it’s best and in need of replacing? Is your central heating working? Take stock from the small to the significant and prep your home for autumn.

Embrace the ‘back to school’ feeling. Set goals for the last quarter of the year, and embrace that excuse for a fresh start. Make to do lists, organise your home, maybe even treat yourself to some new stationery.
Get back to home cooking. After a summer of picnics on the beach and late night dinner and drinks, I’m ready to stay home a little more. A seasonal bounty of fresh produce is on its way this month, so I plan to shop a little more mindfully, and create some wholesome, nutritious home cooked meals.

Start thinking about the ‘c word’. I know we’re a way off Christmas cheer yet, but it’s a good time to start putting a little money aside in preparation, scheduling in a festive drinks night with a group of hard to pin down friends, and taking note when someone mentions something they like in preparation for gift buying!
Figure out what you want to achieve in the rest of 2019. With four months of the year left, it’s a good time to set some manageable, achievable goals for the rest of the year. I’m prioritising slow time, my health, and connecting with what really makes me happy.

What’s on your September to do list?