Why It’s Okay To Follow Fashion Trends

I know, I know, it’s been a while since I’ve come at you with a style post, honestly it’s been a while since I’ve had much to say on the topic. I make my way through summer essentially wearing as little as possible, and being miserable about it, I hate warm weather dressing so much. Heading into Autumn Winter now though, I’ve had a bit of a wardrobe shift about and I’m excited about style again. To ease myself back into things, I wanted to share some snaps of my new leopard print skirt, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t talk about fashion trends here!

Unless you’ve been offline for a long time, or living under a millennial rock, you’ll know that leopard print is having a real moment right now. I’ve never been a fan of leopard print, perhaps because I’d never fallen in love with a leopard print item, or because in my head I have this irrefutable link between animal prints and strippers, but this season, something is different.

Perhaps now that leopard print is the next ‘big thing’ there’s more choice? I always think when a style becomes a trend, retailers have to work harder to create great pieces that stand out, so you’ll find better pieces from high street to high end. I ended up falling forĀ this skirt, because I mean, well look at it. I always think wrap pieces are super flattering on me, and I love the high waisted midi cut with the wrap side detail. It’s pretty and feminine whilst having this bold print, and I feel (no pun intended) fierce wearing it.

There’s definitely this misconception that following a trend is a bad thing, it makes you a sheep, a follower, basic. Why does that have to be true?! I love that when a trend picks up, I get to see how hundreds of different women with different styles, body shapes and sizes style similar pieces. I get to see people expressing a trend through their own creativity. The way I wear leopard print is probably different to how you wear leopard print, following a trend doesn’t mean you have no creativity or originality, it doesn’t mean you’re trying to fit in. It just means hey, this is a thing right now, it makes me happy and this is how I’m going to wear it.

Basically, if you like something, wear it. Who cares if it’s on trend or not!

Have you embraced the leopard print trend?