Blogging feels a little old school now doesn’t it! It doesn’t seem to matter how much time passes though, I always come back to this space. I’m reluctant to give it up entirely, despite my lacklustre commitment to it over the past few years, and even though it sometimes feels like a ‘hey, is this thing on?’ kind of vibe.
I think periodically about retiring this space, but I don’t have the heart to do it, even after months away from it. Twitter feels like a pretty negative space right now, nobody reads Instagram captions, this is the last space I have left to shout into the void.

With that in mind, I’ve been thinking about what I want to share here and how I want to do it. I’ve never been able to pigeon hole my content, I’ve always liked being able to write and share whatever I like. Ten long years ago I started this blog to solely share beauty content. That fizzled out after a few years when I found products I loved and didn’t want to keep changing things out to try new products. I never really clicked with fashion blogging, I’m strictly a leggings and sweaters kind of gal and that’s not very inspiring content. Travel content has been nullified by the pandemic, which leaves use with more general lifestyle content. That in itself isn’t a bad thing, I’ve always loved creating that, but it’s very mood leas and when things get hard it becomes very hard to write about your life in an engaging or inspiring way. And lord knows there have been a fair few hardships over the last few years.

During that time I found myself filling the content gaps with bookish content, and whilst I enjoy that, with the wedding and uni deadlines last year, I didn’t read a single book during the last quarter of 2021.
Last year I started sharing some more thought pieces, creative non fiction writing, usually inspired by a uni exercise. That felt like a natural progression of this space for me, my undergraduate degree was in journalism, and sharing creative non fiction feels like a combination of those skills and what I’ve learned on my Masters. In general I think my writing is leading me that way, and I’m not mad about it.

All this to say, I think I need a bit of time to experiment with content. I want to set a goal of posting once a week, just enough to keep me accountable and creative. I’m not going to set any restrictions on what I’m sharing, just let the mood take me and see where we end up.
I set a word of the year for 2022 instead of any goals, I find a word to aim for more inspiring. This year my word is ‘nourish’, and so I hope to nourish this space as well as myself, and maybe to document the little wins along the way.
I’m ready for content that’s a less polished, a little more real, a little more me! I hope you’ll stick around for it!
Jaye x